Behaviour Profiling & Team Dynamics
Bringing a new dimension to individual and team development.
Getting the best out of yourself and others, helping individuals and teams release their in built preferences and strengths.
C-me uses the universal language of colour to bring psychology to life. Colour behaviour profiling is a fun and enjoyable way to engage teams, build relationships and increase co-operation within a group.
Build teams based on strengths and contribution
Create more effective communication
Enable higher levels of engagement
Establish stronger, more resilient teams with higher retention rates
Stimulate more productive engagements with clients
Enhance team performance and productivity
The Vizabl Application of C-me
Vizabl deploy behaviour profiling tools across organisations from construction to waste and recycling working with diverse teams from administrative functions to construction teams and senior leadership teams. This may be in support of ongoing organisational change, such as safety culture change, or as a stand alone project or intervention. The flexibility in application of behaviour profiling means that the opportunities for individual and team development are endless.
For individuals
See yourself how others do
Understand yourself
Understand others
Develop Effective Communication
Improve relationships
For Teams
Understand and appreciate one another’s strengths and differences
Understand each others value and contribution to the team
Communicate more effectively with one another
Co-operate more effectively